Monday, 27 December 2010

Oppy Worlds Malaysia Update Monday 27th December

We dragged ourselves out of our beds at 0815, and made it down the lift without incident. Breakfast was good,  noodles, sausage and eggs. Matt said the cereal was soggy and wouldn’t be having it, then was seen getting some, it's good to change your mind.
Jen went to the airport for 3 hours to see about  the sails, but got nowhere, were they in KL or London? - who knows but they aren’t here.
Then we walked to the club, last night on the same route Matt saw a one metre monitor lizard, which he said looked like his mum [ joke]. 
At the club we managed to borrow some sails from Malaysia, so we became Malaysians for the day.  It takes a while to rig so most rigged in the shade, because it was 30 degrees in the sun, but it was hard getting Ollie out of the sun. 
Everyone wore long rash vests, sun glasses and some hats to keep the sun off and all have been drinking plenty.
Our guys were very professional despite the strange looks in the dinghy park, ‘are you from Malaysia etc’ . We were on the water by 1345 and did some big split tacks 7 minutes each tack two sailors going  left and right and 2 middle left and right. The results are a well kept secret. We also did some speed runs which was funny using very old patched up sails.
My RIB had been fixed, so we had some steering but someone had run off with it so eventually we got another one. 
To finish off we did some 2 boat team racing and Arran who has just arrived came out to join us. 
Arran has been swimming with elephants on the mainland, riding on a scooter and been on a jungle safari complete with leeches around the ankles.
On the way back from the club we came across a pile of buffalo, one with an egret [bird] on its head. [Ed: Is "pile" really the collective noun for Buffalo? - Which reminds me of a joke - "What's the difference between a buffalo and a bison?" Answer: "You can't wash your hands in a buffalo!"]
Just had dinner, pasta and spicy fish and the boys have just gone to the supermarket with Jen.
Tomorrow we will be out training, with some practice racing against about 100 other boats.
Quotes of the day
‘This is much better - board shorts and a rash vest is much better than a dry suit’ – Josh
‘Can I use the battered old sail in the worlds, it's really good’ – Scott
‘I own you’- Matt
‘I swam with elephants’ – Arran
‘I lost my flip flops’ – Ollie after he capsized in 1 knot.
‘I was in that airport all day, did the sails ever leave Heathrow?’ Jen
Today I was in the lift and a lady from Newport – near Cardiff started talking to me and I had a conversation with her mother in Welsh - Sarah Jarman’s mum, they emigrated from Wales to Perth.  Lucky for some.  
 More news soon.
 Check out the pictures.

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